How to take better nudes?

Being a camgirl is not just about performing live video shows. It’s a combination of performing, teasing, marketing, kiffing, but also social media. You can’t expect people to come to your broadcast shows if you don’t do any marketing or have any strategy to increase your visibility.
Selling nudes and adding hotshot content to your social networks are the best ways to attract audiences to your shows. Plus, you can also earn extra money by selling your media on platforms like Mymfans, Onlyfans or even Fancentro.
In this industry, mediocrity is not tolerated. You only have to look your best, on your best behavior to be desirable to your community. Especially if you intend to sell nude photos. This is all part of your future marketing strategy.
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How To Make Better Nudes?
Here are some of the best tips you can use to achieve perfect nudes.
1. Natural light is your best friend
We agree, the best time to broadcast your webcam shows is at night. That’s when there are the most customers ready to max out the bank card. But I hope you don’t think that night is the best time to take nudes. This may seem like a no-brainer to many of you, but how many times have I seen chicks taking their photos for Mymfans or Onlyfans at night, lit by a measly bedside lamp…
The best time to take a nude photo is in the morning, when the Sun has just risen. At this time of day, you’ll be dealing with the most natural light there is. You won’t have yellow, orange or grey skin from a low quality light bulb or lamp or any other artificial light.
Morning light will offer a softer glow to your photos and won’t create shadows in the wrong places. Of course, I’m not inviting you to take your photos outside, unless you’re adventurous… And brave! And actually, why not!
I’d rather advise you to find a nice, well-lit corner in your room and start your shoot. Ideally, you should stand by the window (and remember to open the shutters… What? Am I overdoing it? Okay sorry)
Open your shutters, stand near the light source, but be careful not to show your butt to your neighbors. Your body is worth its weight in gold, lots of guys pay to see this media, so if your neighbors are a little too curious, share your Mymfans with them, but no way they don’t check out!
Some seriousness… If your room doesn’t get enough natural light, you should invest in some good quality lighting. However, avoid ceiling light. This creates an unpleasant shadow towards the breast area.
2. Find the best angle
To find the best positions for taking nudes, you’ll need to consider the context in which your photos will be viewed.
You’re not taking a classy photo! So frontal shots directly on your face or bare body without using angles are to be banished. Try different positions, different angles and find the ones that really highlight your physique as it is and bring out your assets. A good pose during a nude is paramount to showing your community how confident you are.
If you want to drive any guy crazy, butts are a clear winner. By choosing the right angle, your butt from behind can make you look like you’re endowed with supernatural curves.
You’ll have to twist your back a bit, though, and test different positions to get the perfect shot. This is where a tripod can come in handy and valuable.
3. Be creative
Tip: Your body will always look better standing up. You certainly don’t want to reveal a little bulge or unsightly excess fat when you’re sitting. But that doesn’t mean you have to stand naked while you take a nude. You’re not in a porn casting where the shots will be analyzed by a production team. So try to adopt a natural BUT sexy pose, as you are not in a photo booth taking a shot for an ID document, nor are you on set for an erotic film intended for under 13s.
I reveal a cheat code!
If you don’t like your body in selfies, get a mirror. There are many techniques with a mirror that you can do to take your body to the next level. For example, you can tilt a moving mirror at 70 degrees. This way, your body will look slimmer and longer. You can also push a hip out to show off your curves. Another good idea is to do a little half-turn in front of your mirror to show off your butt.
As soon as you have any doubt, add your pair of buttocks.
Here’s a little secret used by elite models. Mirrors are great for looking desirable and awfully sexy. Even if you don’t have a mirror, you can still take great nudes. You just have to be creative.
For example, a doggy style position highlights the curve of your butt and back and it slims your figure. This position looks super sexy and is really not complicated to do. Another simple but creative way to take a mirrorless nude is to sit on the side of your bed and take the picture from above. This pose shows off your thighs and chest, and then it’s really easy to do.
4. Take care of the background of your photos
Because no matter how perfect your shots are and how desirable your body is, if the background of your photo is messy, it’s not okay at all. This is one of the biggest pitfalls to consider for all types of erotic shots. So always check for a shirt lying around, trash cans, dirty dishes or even unsexy items like a razor or a pack of smokes.
To make sure you have a clean background, you can take all your photos in front of a wall. However, this can make your nudes look a little bland. To make your nude photos stand out, you can add candles, books, plants, decorative lamps, sex toys, makeup, fruit to the decor of your shot… Of course, make sure you don’t overload your decor and arrange your background elements in such a way that they don’t distract your fans.
5- The Push-Up Effect!
All camgirls know how to take good pictures of their boobs. But from experience, I realize that many don’t have the right techniques. To make your cleavage stand out, you can create a push-up effect for your photos.
The principle is simple: slide your elbows under your breasts and push up with your arms. It’s not the most comfortable thing, I’ll grant you that, but if done right, you might get a few unwanted erections. The only thing to consider is to make sure you don’t overdo it and make this pose as natural as possible. Otherwise, the illusion is ruined.
6. Hide your face, show your legs
Said like that… Maybe it’s vexing. When we think of nude photos, we get the idea of shots that show off our bodies. That’s the case, but there is a huge market for photos of legs and especially feet. Why not dedicate some photos to your toes, ankles, bare feet, without necessarily showing anything else? The market for foot fetishes is huge. A lot of men are willing to pay to see your bare feet in photos, much more than you think.
Attract attention to the toes or creases on the soles of your feet or tattoos, for an even more seductive look. Be creative and pose with your bare feet in different positions and play with different accessories like henna, heels or your nail polish. Find what suits you best and what really cracks your community up.
7. A naked two-handed selfie
To take better nudes, you may tend to use one hand or both hands to take the picture. Unless you have a tripod handy. Most models only use one hand to take a nude, but with two hands you’ll have more control and stability with your camera.
For example, you can lie on your bed while looking at the camera, which will give the viewer the impression that they are lying on top of you. The way your arms will frame the picture it will give a very sexy nude. This can make you look great and keep your customers coming back for more nudes.
8. Use the “Rule of Threes”
All professional photographers use the rule of three to create great shots. The problem is that most models may not be familiar with this rule. A well-composed photo is important, even when it’s a nude photo.
Nudes should always follow the rule of three. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking a picture of your butt, your face, your entire body or even your feet. In a sentence, the rule of three means that you compose your nude by placing the subject in an upper left or right corner of the photo, as in the photo below.
Here is an example of a nude adopting the rule of three.
In other words, forget about the center with no angle for your nudes. You will have a much harder time selling these shots rather than images adopting the rule of three.
You should position one-third of the way up or down the frame and slightly to the side of the subject of your photo (the nude part of your body). This will make you look irresistible and allow you to take very sexy photos to earn money.
9. Taking nudes in the water
To take beautiful nude photos in the water, you can float on your back in a bubble bath, get naked face down or pose in a sunny pool. A trick that drives any guy completely crazy is to dip your curves half-submerged in the water.
If your camera is of good quality, try to capture the goosebumps you can get in cool water for added charm.
In this type of setting, you can totally show off your body and curves. You can spice things up by wearing a sexy bikini or even a white cotton t-shirt. In a pool or at the beach, you can also use accessories like air mattresses, a pair of sexy glasses etc… Be creative and have fun!
Another good photo is the bath. Drops of water, or foam, on the skin are always sexy.
10. Become an expert on the subject!
Good nudes can be hard to take. Especially if you lack information or aren’t really photogenic. Be careful with the background of your photos which can be distracting. If you want a selfie to not really look like a selfie, try to keep your arm out of the shot. You can easily remedy this problem by editing and cropping your nude photos.
Hold your phone close to a part of your body that you want to highlight. The focus area should be around the body part you want to highlight.
This will make other areas of the photo blurred due to the proximity of the camera. Also keep in mind that depth of field improves your nudes considerably. Whether it’s a close-up of your eyes or the most revealing curve of your inner thighs, well-framed nudes can make the viewer want to see more.
10 Tips for Taking Better Nudes
Need some tips on how to take good nudes and nude photos of yourself? Here are my 10 favorite tips:
Tip 1: Lower the shoulders
If it’s a full nude photo or a close-up of the face, try tilting your shoulders down a bit, you’ll get a better nude shot.
Tip 2: Use a full-length mirror for a full nude
I’ve seen a lot of great erotic photos taken in full-length mirrors. For one thing, your viewer will be able to admire the entire front shot and mirrors are always a great choice for nude photos.
Tip 3: Pose with sex toys
Maybe you have a new pair of handcuffs or maybe a sextoy of some sort. If your audience likes ropes and bondage, you can play with them. Pose in a sexy way with naughty props to fan the flames of the audience.
Tip 4: Avoid your double chin
Double chins are not cool, and no one likes them. Pull the head of your neck forward to make your jaw stand out and reduce the appearance of your double chin. You may think it looks strange in the picture, but if you’re naked, you’ll look much sexier.
Tip 5: Buy a selfie pole
Many people have scoffed at selfie poles, but this accessory can take your nude selfies to a whole new level. Chances are, if you’re taking nudes, you’re probably alone. Selfie poles allow you to reduce or completely eliminate the awkward appearance of arms in your nude photos. Their popularity with models is a testament to this, as a good selfie pole improves the appearance of your breasts by 100 times, so give it a try and invest some money in this wonder if you haven’t already.
Tip 6: Invest in a bluetooth remote
This works just like the timer on your phone, but much better. These remotes connect to your phone wirelessly and allow you to take pictures by pressing the button on the remote. This is better than putting your phone on your radiator or bedside table. With a bluetooth remote you’ll be able to take a bunch of pictures without having to go back to your phone every time.
Tip 7: Try black and white
I used to shoot nudes in color for a long time. I was always happy with the results, but even the best of us have some blemishes or spots on our skin that can show up in photos. When I started black and white I noticed that the photos had completely changed in look and feel. They are no longer really focused on the body, but more on the shapes, lights, shadows etc…
Tip 8: Invite a friend
Your viewers will probably be more satisfied watching two women have fun together rather than just one. So bring in a like-minded friend and get creative.
Tip 9: Don’t tell yourself too much!
In my modeling career, I’ve tried several photos where I cover my body in different ways. Either using my hands or arms to cover my breasts, wearing an unbuttoned shirt, or being in a bikini.
As it turned out, these photos where I’m not fully nude were very successful. Some of them even sold much better than close-up photos of my butt. It’s a bit vexing, but it has the merit of being pointed out.
Tip 10: Vertical photos are always better.
Portrait style is interesting for one reason: you want your body to be the main subject of the photo.
Tip 11: Buy a good camera or one of the latest fashionable smartphones.
An old Samsung camera won’t stand a chance against the 3 lenses of the iPhone 13.
Tip 12: Touch up your photos
Edit, but not too much. You don’t want to waste your time and you want to look as natural as possible. Retouching your photos is a great way to improve your image. There are many apps for iPhone and Android that will allow you to make your nudes look even more vibrant than the original photos. Use the filters, brightness and contrast options to achieve the best result.
Tip 13: Stand Up Straight
Your body is much more pleasing to the eye when presented in an upright position, i.e. standing upright.
Tip 14: Find your strengths
My classics are pictures of my belly button piercing, my lacy lingerie, my feet, my butt. These nudes usually drive guys absolutely crazy.
The fatal love killer. Take your socks off during your nudes! It’s awful and you lose all your charm by forgetting to take them off. Remember, the devil is in the details. Everything has to be perfect.
Tip 16: Breasts that point = always better
Boobs that point through a t-shirt or when you’re completely naked is awfully sexy. From experience, I can tell you that men love it and will be willing to pay to see more!
Last thoughts
You don’t need a professional photographer to get beautiful nudes. You just need to be creative. I would never encourage you to pay for erotic shots, except in certain cases. Like if you become a successful porn actress or even a top camgirl on LiveJasmin or even Stripchat.
So experiment with different angles, lighting and positions until you find the right combination. But the most important thing to consider is feeling sexy. Focus on the things you like about your body and accentuate those features instead of trying to hide the little parts you don’t like.