7 tips for managing your time as a cam model

Today, we’re going to learn how to manage your time as a camgirl. Çhasn’t probably escaped your notice, we all have 24 hours a day to be productive. Not counting meals and sleep. But the strange thing is that we all don’t get the same amount of work done. Why? Because a lot of camgirls don’t know how to manage their time. And as awebcam model, every minute you waste translates into a significant loss of money. That’s why today I’m going to teach you how to manage your time well.
In this article, you will take to managing your time as a cam model to multiply your income.
1) Don’t lose your mind
You need to plan your days, it’s THE best thing to do to manage your time properly. What’s more, it’s not really hard to do. All you have to do is take a few minutes each night before you go to bed to write a to-do list, which is a list of things you have to do for the next day. Note your tasks in order of priority, the most important assignments first and the lowest priority last.
Next, add things you like to do on this list that don’t involve your camgirl job. You probably don’t want to go into burnout after a few months of doing this… And productivity doesn’t mean suffering. Give yourself time to yourself, take breaks and take care of yourself. Don’t worry if you can’t get all the tasks on your list done in a day. Simply move the unfinished tasks to the next day. You’ll be surprised at how productive you’ll be with this simple list added into your daily routine. Personally, I use a whiteboard and write down my goals for the day. Every time I complete a task, I check it off or cross it off. When everything is crossed off my list, I am very relieved and can go about my entertaining business without having my head still full.
2. Create a program
It’s great to have a daily to-do list, but you can do even better by creating a weekly schedule and goals to achieve every week. On this roadmap, write down your broadcast days, the length of your shows, schedule an hour before your shoots to prepare and look good and then an hour after your show to clear your head and decompress.
You should alsoset aside time to create content, such as videos or photos, that you can resell to make money on Mymfans. If you want to sell nudes online to receive transfers even when you sleep, I’ve already written several articles on the subject.
To summarize, you need to create a release schedule, a roadmap and stick to it.
3. Master your time
Be aware of how much time you spend doing certain things and how long it takes you to do them. Use time management tools or an app to see which tasks you spend the most time on and which ones you are neglecting. ATrakcker Pro is one of the best apps to help you track your time between different tasks. You’ll get reports on how your time is spent and tips on how to optimize it. Check out how much time you spend on Twitter, watching Netflix, shopping etc… Knowing how your time is spent will help you see what you can eliminate from your day to focus on priority tasks. Knowing how your time is spent can help you become more productive on a daily basis.
4. Take breaks
You need to take care of your body and mind. You can take time to learn techniques to make even more money as a camgirl, like reading my blog for example, but you also need to think about yourself. Give yourself some time to relax every now and then, otherwise you’ll end up burning out stupidly. Your schedule should never be overloaded by risk of being overwhelmed. Consider taking naps, resting, reading or doing activities that drive you. Taking a break may be just what you need to boost your energy level and feel more motivated on your next show.
5. Determine your most profitable show
At the beginning of your career, you’ll need to test several different times and days to determine which period is most profitable for you. After several tests, you’ll quickly notice your peak times and then you can schedule the rest of your day around your show. For example, you can try broadcasting on weekends from midnight and some days of the week from 9pm. At the end of the month, look at your revenue and take stock.
6. Do the important things first
Set priorities in your day and think about the outcome you want to achieve. If you were to choose three important goals to accomplish in your day, what would they be? These things should be placed as a high priority. Once these tasks are accomplished, you will be relieved and the rest of the day will be much better.
7. Avoid distractions
Disable notifications on your phone or put it on silent. The phone is a major distraction.You will need to use your phone sometimes, so you can’t always put it down, but you can limit it. Disconnecting from social media is another good way to distract yourself.
To remember:
No schedule is perfect. There will always be something unexpected that pops up during the week. The important thing is that you have a schedule to follow and that you stick to it as much as possible. By following my time management tips, you will be well on your way to becoming a more productive cam girl.
The Ultimate Guide: How to Become a Camgirl – Webcam Model and Earn Over $1,000 a Week